Career Practitioner Conversations with NCDA
Career Practitioner Conversations with NCDA
Using Career Convergence Web Magazine in Your Career Development Work
The National Career Development Association is excited to celebrate the 20th anniversary of NCDA’s Career Convergence web magazine! In this episode, Career Convergence Editor Melanie Reinersman leads a conversation about how this free, online publication can be used as a resource in your career development work. Melanie is joined by Field Editor Mason Murphy, Co-Associate Features Editor, Candina “Dina” Janicki, and Associate Editor for Post-Secondary, Billie Streufert.
The discussion focuses on practical tips for using the magazine to research and apply career development models, identify best practices, explore current trends, inform your research and writing, spark discussion in a training session, and source ideas for a course assignment. The current archive of more than 1,500 articles also offers an historical perspective on work in the field.
Listen in to learn how Career Convergence can keep you updated on the ongoing changes in the career development field, as well as in the needs of the diverse populations career practitioners serve. The conversation also includes tips for submitting your work to the publication.
Have a question or want to learn more? Contact Melanie or a member of the editorial team. All editors welcome emails from potential contributors!