Career Practitioner Conversations with NCDA
Career Practitioner Conversations with NCDA
Climate-Informed Career Development with Trevor Lehmann
This episode is hosted by Brian Hutchison, Global Career Guy and Core Faculty at Walden University. It features a conversation about climate change and careers with Trevor Lehmann. Trevor is a career consultant at the University of Manitoba and President of the Climate-Informed Counsellors Chapter of the Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association.
Experience with and anticipation of climate change can trigger anxiety, a sense of loss, and fear of the future. It can also aggravate other career development challenges your clients and students may be facing, including mental health conditions and trauma. This episode includes strategies for working with those who have climate-related concerns to cultivate hope, long-term thinking, and new opportunities. Trevor also shares ways to work toward a greener future through a career lens and dispels myths about “green jobs.”
**Join Trevor for a long-term visioning online workshop on Earth Day (April 22, 2023) in conjunction with CCDF/CDPF. Free to attend! More details here: https://cdpc-cedc.ca/events/facing-the-future-cultivating-climate-empowerment-amidst-the-climate-crisis/ **
For more information about Trevor Lehmann’s work:
- Website - https://trevorlehmann.squarespace.com/
- An Imperfect Guide to Climate and Career - https://trevorlehmann.ca/an-imperfect-guide-to-career-and-climate/home
Trevor’s recommended reading:
The Good Ancestor: How to Think Long Term in a Short-Term World, by Roman Krznaric - https://www.romankrznaric.com/good-ancestor