Career Practitioner Conversations with NCDA
Career Practitioner Conversations with NCDA
Mentorship Through Professional Associations and Networking with Dr. Skip Niles
This episode is part of a series celebrating #NationalMentoringMonth. It is hosted by Dr. Sharon Givens, visionary leader of NCDA’s pilot mentoring program and a Past President of NCDA. It features a conversation with Dr. Spencer (Skip) Niles, a past NCDA President and current professor of counselor education and Co-Director of the THRIVE Research and Intervention Center at William and Mary. Skip and Sharon share their mentorship and networking experiences, reflecting on the role of the professional association to build a community that fosters and facilitates mentoring relationships through strategies that promote inclusion and connection.
Visit the NCDA website for more information about the Mentoring Program: https://ncda.org/aws/NCDA/pt/sp/mentoring_program.
Interested in attending the 2023 NCDA Conference? Travel and programming details can be found online: https://ncda.org/aws/NCDA/pt/sp/conference_home.